About us

“Recotube” LTD was founded in 2012 with intent to imply patented technology for innovative, non-waste recycling of used, containing residues of liquid oils - plastic packaging. Applied and approved for co-financing under the Operational Program "Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy 2007-2013."

Priority Axis 1 "Developing a knowledge-based economy and innovation activities."

Operation 1.1.1 "Support for the creation and development of start-up innovative enterprises."

The company built its recycling installation in the village of Sheinovo, near Kazanlak, where there is a plot of 5600 sq.m with production buildings of 2000 sq.m.



Environmental pollution is a global problem that is affirming being established with any waste that is outside its designated storage site. Permanent pollutant is the plastic in any form. It is so disseminated that every second product released on the market is made of this type of material, for which there isn’t a way to decompose after getting into the environment. As a result, unnatural mountains of waste appear which we build with frivolity and reassurance that they will somehow disappear over time. This can’t happen without the interference of the human mind and ingenuity.

There are installations and approaches that recycle a certain type of plastic but do not guarantee their safe and non-waste processing. Most processes are associated with combustion, thus the harmful emissions from the plastic are again returned to the nature, but in the form of a gaseous substance.

The idea of Georgi Yonchev is influenced by all of these components and minuses to try to reduce the "build up" of the mountains of plastic. His thoughts are focused at a specific type of waste - used, plastic packaging of motor oils which are hazardous waste and require special treatment for their processing and storage.




1. Collection of paper and plastic packaging

2. Transportation of paper and plastic packaging

3. Recycling of plastic packaging

We buy

1. HDPE – foil, tubes, cans, pipes

2. LDPE – foil

3. LLDPE – stretch foil

We sell

1. HDPE – re-granulate

2. LDPE – re-granulate

3. LLDPE – re-granulate



